Friday, February 15, 2008

My little guy is SO sick!

So, yesterday Teagyn woke up in the middle of his nap just screaming. And, Teagyn very rarely cries, let alone scream. When I finally got him calmed down I noticed that he was wheezing something fierce! I called his Doc, took him in to find out that he has RSV. He has to have a Neb treatment every four hours. Was running a fever of 100.7 this morning.
I feel so helpless. There is nothing that I can do for him. It is just heartbreaking. gavyn claims that he too is "sick"! He wants a breathing treatment, Motrin, etc.! Oh, my! He is such a drama king!

I had to reschedule all of my appointments at the salon on Thursday, and call into the hospital for my shift today! It is my weekend to work, so I am going in tomorrow and Sun. I hope Tim can handle it! I am sure he can but it just makes me sad to not be able to be here for Teagyn. When you are sick you usually just want your Mom.

It feels like it is midnight right now I have had such a long day! On that note, I am exhausted and think I am going to get some rest!
(The good news is that Gavyn is too big to get this, RSV effects ages 2 and under. That is a relief!)

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