Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Getting Ready to go....

It has been a long time since I have been here.....busyness has consumed me! And my entire family. We are leaving in the morning (Thurs.) for sunny Florida. Gavyn is so excited! I am too, but have some how managed to come down with a mild flu for the past tree days and I cannot seem to shake it! I am hoping that tomorrow morning when I wake up the nausea is gone!

Nothing much new going on. I turned the big 3-0 a few weeks ago. So I have gotten older, lol! I am finished with my orientation at work. I LOVE my new job! It is such a rewarding job. I have stood in on a few things that have definitely confirmed that working in the ER as a nurse is probably where I will stay! I can't wait to be done with school! Speaking of school, I am getting to the end of this semester! Finally! 3 weeks left I think?! It is a tough semester! i am taking summer classes too so not much a break! Tim is staying busy with work right now, lets hope that continues!

Here are some pics of the boys. Random ones over the past month or so. Notice that Gavyn has his toes painted in one and a princess hat on in another! LOL! Tim has a fit when he/I does/do those things! :) I think it is funny. Tim will say, "If he grows up to be's going to be your fault." I just laugh!

1 comment:

The VanderZwaags said...

I was wondering what was happening across the field! No updates for quite a while! Glad to hear things are going well! nice will that be!! :) Ummm..."flu"? Not pg I hope :) Happy belated birthday!