Monday, February 23, 2009

Retract that...

This past week has been really tough for Tim, with this whole job thing! Today he went to meet with his boss @ JP. He ended up talking with Jamie for a few hours. When he got home he was just torn as to what he should do; do the trucking thing, or stay in his comfort zone with JP. He has so much vested in that company, besides having worked there for 8 years, he has something like 3 weeks of vacation, he is 2nd in line- seniority wise, and has a really good boss. Jamie is a good man, and Tim has a lot of respect for him. I don't think he had whole heartedly made up his mind when he went there today, but when he left he had NO idea what to do!

The number one thing stopping him is the part about being away from the boys and I for sometimes 5 days! That is a long time, no doubt about that! This is tearing him up! He is very much a home body. I have to pry him to go out to dinner and get a sitter. He would just rather be home with the boys! So I couldn't imagine the stress he was under trying to decide if that was a sacrifice he was willing to make!

Tonight I was cutting my Mom's hair, Tim and Gav were sitting in the kitchen, Tim asked Gavyn if he would rather have daddy be out driving in a big truck, and be gone a few nights a week, or stay working outside and be home every night. Much to our surprise, he said in the sweetest little voice, "I want you to be home Daddy, I missed you last week!" Tim left for 3 days last week to go on the road with a guy to drive and see what he thought of the whole thing. That impacted Gavyn more than either of us knew. Mind made up!!!! After his talk with Jamie and Gav wanting his daddy home, Tim has decided to stay with JP! I know that he is making the right decision. I just hope that the economy holds steady enough to get through these next few years until I am done with school!

I, myself got some good news today! With all of the schedule changes at the hospital, there ended up being an open shift. So, the techs have been shuffling around into one anothers positions. Well, last week I got an e-mail that there was an internal posting for a 7a-7p and a few 7-3s, part time. I applied for it, and today I got the job!!! Yeah! Working in Triage, where I took my new position, is not what I remembered it to be. I have decided that I like to pick up shifts out there, but not have it as a job. So in a few weeks I will start that. A major bonus is that it is every 3rd weekend, instead of every other!! I am so excited!

I have a cute pic of Teague last night after their bath! His hair is crazy! There is still nothing better than the smell of my baby's when they get out of the bathtub! I think that smell is one that a mother never forgets, no matter how old they get. :)


The VanderZwaags said...

Congrats on the job change! Glad that Tim was able to make his mind up! I pray this was the right decision for you guys and I'm sure God will provide everything for you! Just trust Him and He will provide! You can't do it on your own!

Ethan's Mom said...

YAY!!!! I'm so glad that you'll be working in the back now!! I so hope that you'll be on my weekend!! I'm also really glad that Tim was able to make up his mind, it may be a tough a few years, but it sounds like he made the right decision. I'm so happy for you and your family!!

Denise said...

I'm glad that all this change is working out for you guys. We sure our expericencing tough times and the unknown is so scary! I'm trying to remember that God is bigger than our economy!

Kirsten Carlson said...

I am so happy to hear the good news! You must be thrilled to know that Tim won't be away for days at a time. That is why we moved to Detroit. Aron's old job took him on the road way too often. It would be so hard with little ones at home. Time will go faster than we think.