Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Another snowy day!

Ugh! Another snowy day! I had a "difficult morning to say the very least! Gavyn can be so trying these days! My morning went something like this! Wake up, get Tim off to work (the boys were still asleep), got them both up and fed. I went back to dry my hair and finish getting ready 5 minutes, tops! I came out into the kitchen and there was banana smooshed all into the floor, lotion smeared all over the counter top, and, Gavyn is giggling on the other side of dining room table with max- the dog- ! So I walk over and he has obviously been on the counter (hence the bananas & lotion) To find him sitting there eating Chips Ahoy cookies- the whole package is there! Lord knows how many he inhaled. Mind you it is 8:00 a.m.! Ah, so I clean up the mess. And oh, yes, BOTH boys have poopy diapers! I change them and go into Teagyn's room to put the diapers in the diaper pail. As I am coming out I hear Gavyn saying, "here mommy, here mommy"! I look to find him carrying my HOT cup of coffee from off the coffee table, & it is spilling all over my cream color carpet! I just about lost it, in fact I may have I yelled and then apoligized! So I quickily decided that this was no day to stay home. I packed up the boys and headed into town to run a few errands, before heading off to work! Only to be sent home on call after 3 hours of work! We all have to take turns, and today was mine. The roads were really crappy, so I really did not mind too much! So that about sums up my day, Like my header to my blog says.... Boy's, Boy's, Boy's! Ha! Really I do love my life. Some day when the boys are grown ,I know I will look back and miss all of these eventful days!

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