Saturday, January 31, 2009

Going to days..

These past few weeks have been very stressful! The hospital let go of all the LPNs that I work with! It is a long story. To sum it up, I think they mainly did it to save money! That in turn made them re-vamp the entire emergency dept.! Ugh! Changes, and a lot of them. It was a very unpleasant place for everyone since they made the announcement! They took all of our jobs away put them on paper and said bid on these! You will be put into a position based on your seniority! Both the tech and the nursing staff! That big of a change is enough to send everyone in a tizzy! So, yesterday they posted our new schedules! I am going to days, and down to part time! 7-4. 7 AM that is, I am thinking oh my goodness how will I ever shake my bum out of bed that early?! I will have to leave here by 6 to get the boys off to Julie! I have some major transitions to make. This will all start in about 2 weeks! Working days is going to be awesome! I will be able to put the boys to bed every night! I am going to love that! Working part time is going to leave me so much more time to focus on school!

The boys and I bummed around here this morning! It is nice to be home this weekend. Tim, of course, was out plowing. :) I had a paper to write that is due on Sunday, so I took the boys over to my mother in laws and came home to a quiet house to get some homework done! Tim and I took advantage of being kid free and went to Crazy Horse for dinner. They were so busy, we had a 30+ min wait! But it was nice to unwind from all of the stress I have had between school and work related stuff!

Not too much else new here~ Sick of the snow! This is, I think, what some refer to as "the dead of winter." I am so sick of the cold and snow! So over it! We are going to FL in April and I am sooo looking forward to that!

Done rambling, I am tired can you tell?! Have a good night!


The VanderZwaags said...

I hope that you all make the adjustment to days. Like you said though it does have positives and you need to look at that too! The Lord knows what He is doing!!! Crazy Horse..we were there too last night! Call don't wait as long!!! :)

Kirsten Carlson said...

You will like days. I am up and out of the house with the kids by 6:45 every morning. Not as early as you will have to be up, but it all works out well. I love having my evenings at home. The alarm clock is the worst part! I hear you on being sick of the snow! I just want to be warm!!! Take me to FL with you, please!!!