Friday, May 22, 2009

Watering the parking Meijer's!?!?!

So this morning, the boys and I went and ran a few errands, on the way home I stopped at Meijer gas station on Riley. I just left the boys in the Jeep as I was only running in for a second. Picture this....I am standing at the checkout, there are 2 guys behind the counter and one says, "OH MY GOSH, LOOK AT THIS!" As I look up out the window, there is my son (Gavyn- of course) with his pants down to his ankles in the middle if the gas station parking lot PEEING! Everyone was laughing hysterically!!! I had not payed yet, but said I would be right back! I got out there just as he was finishing up his business (everyone in the parking lot was laughing as well :), and asked him what he was doing, he said,"I had to go pee really bad mommy- it's okay the sun will dry up my pee, won't it?" I have NEVER been so mortified and laughed so hard at the same time (well, except when he did this same thing in the middle of Sea World)! Ahhhh, he is SUCH a boy! I love it!


Erin said...

That's hysterical!

When I picked Jameson up at his friend's house on Wednesday, Zach's grandma told me that they had played outside all day, and had peed on the trees.

BOYS! Gotta LOVE it!

The VanderZwaags said...

that is so funny! Thanks for the good laugh!

Denise said...

That's hillarious! Max tried at during the Tulip Time parade but I caught him in the knick of time!