Sunday, October 19, 2008


Earlier this week Gavyn and I made cupcakes for him to take to Julie's -daycare. We had so much fun, I was surprised at how well he did helping! He frosted and put sprinkles on all by himself. And much to my surprise, there was a minimal amount of cleaning up! Note the very bottom middle picture.... Gav has underwear on, Yaaayyy! He has been going to the bathroom, ALOT! It is all of his own doing. He decided he was ready to wear his 'Thomas' underwear and just go! There have been a few accidents, I assure you but a good try none the less! Yesterday morning Tim and Gavyn went for a golfcart ride down to the neighbor's. Tim noticed after some time that Gavyn was walking funny, he looked at his pants to find that they were soaking wet! So they headed home- mind you it was pretty chili- he was crying his little eyes out both from being cold and I think a little embarresed. Poor guy!

Well I should go, busy day ahead. Dinner at my Mother in law's @ noon. Then Tim's Dad & his wife Tammi are stopping by for a while this afternoon.
Hope you all have a good Sunday!

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1 comment:

The VanderZwaags said...

Fun times!!!! I look forward to potty training someday too...doesn't sound like fun but I have heard girls are easier...hope that's true!!! Enjoy your weekend!