Saturday, October 25, 2008

My week....

So in the last post I mentioned that I had a busy week! Well, it was busy and chaotic! To strart it off, Sunday night Teagyn's cold became absoultly terrible! He couldn't breath or suck on his binkie. I strated to get a little worried after 2hrs of him coughing relentlessy in his bed. Finally he started to cry b/c he was becoming so frustrated. I gave him a neb tx before bed, one when he began to cry along with some benedryl and motrin. All with no relief! His cough started to sound a little bit like croup so I took him in the bathroom with a steamy shower and then took him outside to get some cool air. Nothing. I finally called work and talked to one of the docs, he listened to him through the phone and said he would take a look at him if I wanted to bring him in but try to sit outside for about 20 - 25 mins, first. So at 1:30 in the morning there Teague and I sat outside for 25 mins! I took some books and his blankie out with us. He actually did really good and sounded somewhat better I made him a bottle and put him back to bed. I finally got to bed around 3:00! Monday I had class, then off to work untill 11:00. I was on my way home- the same route I always take. I look in my rearview mirror and see lights! The red and blue kind! I thought I know I am not speeding I just went through the stop sign back there! So I ask the officer if I can help him when he gets to my window. He asked me if I saw the stop sign back there?. "Yes I saw it, this is the way I always take home from work". Officer, "Well you didn't stop at it." I was so darn tired and stressed with other things weighing on my mind as well, that apparently I slowed down but went right through it!! I sat there waiting for him to return to my car with a ticket. Much to my surprise, he let me off! I could not believe it! It gets better! So Tuesday night I was at work, again. I went to the Triage door and guess who was bringing in a pt??? You guessed it the same officer that pulled me over. We both started cracking up laughing! It was really quite funny!
To continue the rest of my week I had to work Wednesday as well, I stopped to get groceries on my way home. I always shop at Meijer. That night I decided to stop at Walmart, it is right on my way home and some say it is cheaper. So I went there, dead tired from my week, but it is better than bringing the boys with me! I waited in line- one of the many reasons I never go there- when I finally got up to the register for my turn and the cashier, who was a manager, asked, "Are you in a hurry?" I said,"not really why?" She then asked me if I minded waiting for 4 minutes!!!! Because it was 4 mins to midnight, and they change drawers at 12:00. I could not believe she had the gull to ask me to stand there for 4 minutes- what are we going to do? Make small talk? I told her that I had just finished working a 12 hr shift, and that I would really like to get home, I was tired! She said "okay" sort of pissed off and began ringing up my groceries! Can you believe it??? That is why I don't go to Walmart!
So today is Saturday, and I can honestly say that I have not left my house since I got home from work/getting groceries on Wednesday night! It feels so good! I only wish that I felt a little better and had gotten some more stuff done around here. in the mix of all of this stuff I have come down with the boys cold too! Lovely! Okay I am done now! ;)
I gave Teagyn a haircut this morning- he looks so cute! I am still trying to even it out from his brothers hair cut he gave him, LOL!

This feels like deja vu all over again....Teagyn does all of the same things that Gav did! Even playing in toilet water lately! YUCK!

This my friends, is just plain bribery!!!!!!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Get ready for some snow Monday! And please, please, please, pray for me and my drive to Muskegon- I DO NOT want to spend another day in the ditch this winter! :)


Carrie's Circus said...

Brandi you sound like you have quite a rough week! I sure hope that your weekend is relaxing and hope to see you Monday.

Jason and Mary Plus Two said...

Brandi-I am so with you on not shopping at Walmart. I have not once had a good experience there! The pictures of the boys are precious! Make sure to keep the underwear and hat one for his high school open house someday :-) Hope you are enjoying your weekend. See you Tuesday!

Kirsten Carlson said...

Hi Brandi!!! Your boys are just too adorable! This is such a fun way to keep in touch. Your jack-o-lanterns are phenominal. It looks like your family keeps you on your toes as mine does. So much fun and so exhausting at the same time!!!

Ethan's Mom said...

Wow Brandi! Quite the sounds a little like mine, but you win! I too had a aweful Walmart experience today as a matter of fact. I think I waited in line for like 6yrs to check out! Ethan has been sick so my mom came over to watch him for me so I didn't have to take him out...I bet she thought I wasn't just getting groceries I took so long!! Anyway, hope you had a great weekend! I'm on my long stretch off - not back until Thur!!