Monday, December 1, 2008

What a busy~ but good weekend!

Where do I start? Thanksgiving was awesome! We had both of my parents, Grandma, brother, Mother and sister in law over for Thanksgiving dinner! It was so nice to have everyone under the same roof! ;) We ate talked and laughed! I had to work 5-11. So had plenty of time to enjoy it! Tim left around 6 to go out west on his hunting trip! My Mom took the boys home with her, to spend the night. That left me all alone after work! YIKES! I have not stayed alone in years! I was not scared per say. Just much more aware of the sounds coming from the basement, if you know what I mean! Normally you don't think twice about those 'normal' sounds. Every time I think I would drift off, I would hear something and POP! My eyes would open right back up! I even got on line and did some cyber shopping for awhile when I got home! I think it had to have been well after 1 before I fell asleep. I had plans to be at Heidi's to pick her up @ 4:30 for some Black Friday shopping. I woke up at 4:25. I called her, said just go, I would catch up with her. I got to the store around 5. It was a MADHOUSE!!!! I was thinking to myself, what on earth was I thinking?! But, no kids no husband just a morning to spend with Heidi. That is very rare for us. So we shopped until our hearts were content! I didn't get home until almost 11! I got so much done! And saved sooo much $! You might hate me but, I am nearly done! An Xbox game for my brother and a gift for my Dad and I am done! Can U believe it? I am proud! I am always the one out shopping just days before Christmas every year. Now I have 3 whole weeks to wrap!

After that I came home and packed up some stuff, headed to Hastings to my Mom's to see my Birthday boy! Gavyn turned 3 on Friday! I cannot believe it! My mom, Grandma, and brother all went to Pizza Hut to have a "Pizza Party" for Gavyn's birthday. I really didn't think that he would/could comprehend that he had not had a birthday party (we are having it this coming weekend). So when I got to my mom's and he asked me where his cake was :( I felt so bad! We spent the night with my Mom and came back late morning on Saturday because I had a girl coming over to have her highlighted.
Sunday, I was really brave and took both boys to church by myself! I was pleasantly surprised at how well it went! Gavyn loves his new Sunday school class! He is in with the "big" kids now. Teagyn is going through this whole separation anxiety thing! UGH! I cannot even take a step away from him without him crying and saying, "Mama, Mama"! Luckily one of my friends was in the nursery and HELD him the whole time! After Church we went all over creation. I had a few gifts to pick up that I had ordered on line! Wish I could share what I got for Tim, but he reads this blog from time to time :( I'll just say that he is going to be blown away! My mother in law and Soraya came over to play for awhile on Sunday afternoon, then we went to my girlfriends daughter's birthday party!

This morning I had anticipated waking up to Tim being home. Nope! I was starting to get nervous, until he finally called @ 7:30 this am and told me that he was STILL in South Dakota! Ahhh~ that was not what I wanted to hear! We are all so ready for Daddy to be home! This is the longest time that Tim and I have ever spent apart! They had car trouble and had to stay an extra night to wait for the tire shop to open up. So now he will be home tonight, but has to drive on these terrible roads, it makes me so nervous! Prayers, please :)

I had my next to last class today for this semester! I am so ready for this semester to be done!!! And to have a nice month long break! Both of my Winter semester classes are on line! THAT makes me so happy! No more driving to Muskegon in this crappy weather! Every semester is one step closer. I have to keep reminding myself of this! Some days I really question if this is the right thing for me to be doing. Working full time and taking classes for my RN!? It is alot to say the very least! But you know! It works! I don't have any idea how- but it does! I know that when I am done I will be so thankful that I stuck it out! I am very excited to work as a nurse in the Emergency! I love the hospital that I work at! It is such a blessing in my life! The people, the rush, the unexpected, the unknown- it all makes for a very exciting career! And to know that I am guaranteed a job when I finish with school is very cool! So one day at a time (as Tim reminds me almost daily), one semester at a time! I CAN do this!

Okay end of book! Here are a few pic's! Gavyn and his remote controlled quad! This is ALL that he wanted! Tim is teaching him how to drive it.

My Dad with Teague on Thanksgiving.
Teagyn, Tim, and my Grandma.
Hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have so much to be Thankful for! It is indescribable!
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Jason and Mary Plus Two said...

WOW...what a busy weekend! I'm glad you had some 'you' time to shop and relax! I am be done shopping so early is awesome!!! Maybe you could shop for me???? Anyways, miss you and talk to you sometime this week at work! Enjoy the snow with the boys. Hope Tim gets home safely!!!

Alex and Jen Dewitt said...

Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!!! And yes we will say a lil prayer for Tim (my parents are out there & driving home tommorow) I think half of Holland is there :) Tell Gavyn Alex Lenah and I say "Happy birthday!!!" ( a little late :)

The VanderZwaags said...

So glad that you had a good Thanksgiving! Is Tim home? I totally understand about hearing noises. Neal hasn't ever been gone over night but even being home sometimes by myself you hear noises!!! Also, you will totally make it through school!! At times it feels overwhelming...I have been there! I actually was taking a class when I was pregnant (I had already taken plenty before then!) But I was in labor but my homework needed to be turned in by 12 so I did my homework before we left for the hospital!! (my teacher laughed at me when I told her...since she told me don't worry about it until later!) Crazy! On-line classes are the best too!! Talk soon!